In this short passage, we will talk about the Image and LargeImage of the RibbonButton a bit.
They are available for derivatives such as PulldownButton, PushButton and ToggleButton, but they are not used at the same time always and one of them may not have a chance to show up at a certain time or all the time.
For example, when a PushButton is hosted by a panel directly, it only uses the LargeImage to display its image, but if the same one is hosted in a stacked group the Image will only be used instead. Though the small image represented by the Image property may be intended for the Quick Access Toolbar to use, it does not seem there is a way for any third party buttons or commands to show up there.
The same applies to the PulldownButton as it can be hosted by both Panel and Stacked group as the PushButton.
As far as the ToggleButton is concerned, the LargeImage will be used always and the small image (Image) does not have a chance to be exercised since toggle buttons or its container, RadioButtonGroup, cannot be stacked.
The Image property also exists in some other ribbon items such as ComboBox and ComboBoxMember since they can only display small images even if they are hosted directly by a RibbonPanel. Similar situation is with the TextBox item as it also always displays the small image no matter whether it’s stacked or not. Obviously, the two items had better be stacked otherwise they do not really fit as others if being laid out directly in a panel or slide out.
As to some other ribbon items such as the RadioButtonGroup, they do not have a property like Image or LargeImage. It makes sense though since the RadioButtonGroup does not really have a look. In fact, for some existing display properties as the ItemText, LongDescription, TooltipImage or Tooltip in the class, they do not have a chance to show up either.
All the above will be taken care of by RevitAddinWizard.
Links to some related articles:
Ribbon of Revit API - PushButton And TextBox
Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create PushButton And Separator
Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create TextBox
Ribbon of Revit API - ComboBox And ComboBoxMember
Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create ComboBox And ComboBoxMember
Ribbon of Revit API - PulldownButton And SplitButton
Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create PulldownButton And PushButton
Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create SplitButton And PushButton
Ribbon of Revit API - RadioButtonGroup And ToggleButton
Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create RadioButtonGroup And ToggleButton
Ribbon of Revit API - Stacked Group And AddStackedItems
Ribbon of Revit API - Stacked Group And PulldownButton
Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create Stacked Group And PushButton Items
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Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create Stacked Group And PulldownButton Items
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Use Ribbon Creator of RevitAddCoder to Create a Comprehensive Ribbon Panel
Ribbon of Revit API - Title And Name of Panels
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