In this post, let us look at the Detect Duplicate feature of Revit Manifest Organizer. It is to detect duplicates of application/command definitions of available manifest files as specified.
The button locates at the right side just below the Check Integrity. After the Detect Duplicate button is pressed, the manifest files in the Available list will be checked for application/command definition duplicates. During the checking, a progress wheel will appear on the left side of the button:
When checking is over, the wheel will disappear and the Manifest Duplicates result window show up:
The first application/command class in the duplicate groups has been checked by default meaning they will be kept when the Keep Selected And Remove Unselected button is pressed. Of course, we can change the selection at will and choose what to remain and what to remove.
The Other Options dialog has some options for the Detect Duplicate feature. The Class option is checked by default and cannot be unchecked. The Assembly and/or the ClientId can be added to the operation of the Detect Duplicate.
Revit Manifest Organizer of RevitAddinWidget provides various ways to organize Revit manifest files.
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