We talked about the Revit Addin Manifest format previously for both external applications and external commands. We are going to see where the Revit Addin manifest files should be deployed so that Revit products can find them and load them.
If the addins are specific to a particular user, they should be placed in the user roaming folder; otherwise in the all users folder. Due to the inconsistencies of Windows platforms, things become a bit more complex.
Let us address these cases one by one. To make things a bit simpler, we only address three Windows versions, Windows 7, Vista and XP. Supposing all the windows are installed onto the C drive, which is the most normal situation.
Windows 7:
Current User: (ME for example)
All Users:
Windows Vista:
Current User: (ME for example)
All Users:
Windows XP:
Current User: (ME for example)
C:\Documents and Settings\ME\Application Data\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2011
All Users:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2011
As can be noticed, the Revit Addin roaming folders are the same on Windows 7 and Windows Vista, but are quite different and cumbersome on Windows XP.
For either case, however, we have to open the Explorer, find the right trees, and click notes again and again to get to the right final place if we want to do so manually and remember the roaming folder correctly.
Fortunately, RevitAddinWidget provides a Manifest Navigator which can navigate us to the right Revit Addin roaming folder in only one or two clicks for whomever users and whichever Windows.
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