Besides modifying the AssemblyInfo file directly to update assembly attributes, we have another means, which is provided by the Visual Studio IDE, using the Assembly Information dialog.
It looks like the following:
and can be launched by the Assembly Information button in the Application tab of the Project Properties window for either C# or VB.NET projects.
The UI seems to only care about those default assembly attributes provided in the AssemblyInfo files.
But wait, what is the Neutral Language thing? Does it indicate the AssemblyCulture attribute?
No, not really!
It is something new to the default AssemblyInfo files. If we choose English (United Kingdom) for example for the Neutral Language in the dialog, one more assembly attribute called NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute will be added to the AssemblyInfo file:
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-GB")]
It also does not seem to fit into the AssemblySomethingAttribute family. Firstly, it is not introduced in the general topics regarding Assembly Attributes on MSDN. Secondly, its naming conversion is quite different from those we have introduced before. Thirdly, it seems something related to the ResourceManager dynamically rather than to the assembly itself statically from reading the description about the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute type:
“The NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute attribute informs the ResourceManager of the application's default culture, and also informs the ResourceManager that the default culture's resources are found in the main application assembly. When looking up resources in the same culture as the default culture, the ResourceManager automatically uses the resources located in the main assembly instead of searching for a satellite assembly. This improves lookup performance for the first resource you load, and can reduce your working set.”
“Apply this attribute to your main assembly, passing it the name of the default culture whose resources are embedded in the main assembly. Optionally, you can pass a member of the UltimateResourceFallbackLocation enumeration to indicate the location from which to retrieve fallback resources. Using this attribute is strongly recommended.”
For C++ projects, it was found nowhere to open a dialog similar to the above demonstrated! There is not such an Assembly Information button thing in those various Property Pages of C++ Project. If readers have any ideas, please feel free to comment.
Anyway, it is not easier for us to check or change these assembly attributes using the dialog provided by the VS IDE than opening and updating the AssemblyInfo file directly. So, please do not worry much about the native Assembly Information UI if it is not so obvious for C++ projects.
AssemblyInfo Updater of RevitAddinWidget can help review popular assembly information of all available projects currently C#, VB.NET and C++ in a Visual Studio solution and update the information conveniently and flexibly in a single central place.
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