With people waiting so long and we working hard on it, now we can proudly announce that Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) has supported Revit API 2012 additionally natively and seamlessly from now on.
It is not as simple as adding the version number 2012 into those related wizards, coders, and widgets of Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) to make the support happen. It is much more than that, from the simplest task always specifying the RegenerationOption.Manual Regeneration attribute for all Revit 2012 external applications and comments to the most complex one making everything work well with both Revit API 2012 and 2011 in both UI and behind the scene code.
Here are the wizards, coders, and widgets and aspects that are directly affected:
Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) (UI and code generation, C#, VB.NET and C++/CLI)
Revit Manifest Register Wizard (UI and code generation, C#)
Application Manifest Creator/Wizard (Code generation, C# and VB.NET)
Command Manifest Creator/Wizard (Code generation, C# and VB.NET)
External Application Creator/Wizard (Code generation, C# and VB.NET)
External Command Creator/Wizard (Code generation, C# and VB.NET)
Manifest Navigator Widget (UI and behind-the-scene code)
Revit Locator Widget (UI and behind-the-scene code)
Revit Manifest Organizer (several features such as Roaming Folder Automatic Switching, Configurations, Check Integrity and Add Missing VendorId)
We will be introducing these changes in more detail in some following posts. Please stay tuned.
Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) has supported Revit API 2012 additionally natively and seamlessly.
Happy New Year!
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