As announced before, Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) and its various wizards, coders and widgets have supported Revit API 2012 additionally natively and seamlessly.
In this post, let us have a look at the Revit Manifest Organizer. The version 2012 support has been added to its UI and the behind-scene code:
After the version 2012 is selected, the Revit Manifest Addin folder of the Current User Roaming or the All Users Roaming will be automatically switched over to the Revit 2012 one properly in different Windows such as XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Other features such as Create New and Check Integrity will also act accordingly well based on the chosen version and the different version of Revit manifest addin files.
Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) and its various wizards, coders and widgets have supported Revit API 2012 additionally natively and seamlessly.
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