We have demonstrated how to generate Revit ribbon creation code automatically in either C# or VB.NET with the assistance of the Ribbon Creator of Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) many times before. The Revit Ribbon Creator provides a cool user interface to help collect necessary data for all available ribbon groups and items, assign images big or small to them, and set up associations between Revit ribbon buttons and external commands.
The Ribbon Creator has been enhanced dramatically to facilitate the Revit .NET API ribbon creation work much better. The most noted new features are the Revit Ribbon Definition schema invention and the ribbon creator row/item edition. Let us start from the new year new look of the cooler Ribbon Creator window:
As can be seen, besides all the existing controls and buttons being kept the same as before on surface and the compatibility being perfectly maintained behind the scene, some main menus have been added.
The File menu has some commands to provide features of Revit Ribbon Definition (RRD) creation, loading, saving and saving as, along with program exit.
The Edit menu has some commands to provide ribbon row manipulations, from the most basic cutting, copying, pasting and selecting all, to the fascinating Undo and Redo!
The Tools menu provides an Options command for us to configure how the Ribbon Creator should behave in our own way:
The Help menu as can be expected provides the help pages/contents launching feature and the About about the nice coder:
We are going to introduce the new features of the Ribbon Creator of RevitAddinWizard one by one in the future. Please stay tuned.
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