In this article, let us look at a new widget that RevitAddinWizard provides, Source Statistics. It is to sum up some source information about the whole solution, including code lines, comment lines, empty lines, total lines and source file count.
It has a cool user interface which integrate seamlessly with the Visual Studio environment just as the Visual Studio Solution Explorer does. That is, it can dock to either side of the Visual Studio window or floating anywhere, can be Auto-Hide or always shown, and even appear as a tabbed document.
As can be seen, the current Source Statictics information can also be saved so that we can check what have been changed since then, such as code lines added or removed.
By the way, the content of the Source Statistics window can be refreshed through pressting the little tiny cool flash button.
RevitAddinWizard will provide more and more and cooler and cooler widgets in the near future. Please stay tuned.
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