We have demonstrated how to generate Revit ribbon creation code automatically in either C# or VB.NET with the assistance of the Ribbon Creator of Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) many times before. The Revit Ribbon Creator provides a cool user interface to help collect necessary data for all available ribbon groups and items, assign images big or small to them, and set up associations between Revit ribbon buttons and external commands.
The Ribbon Creator has been enhanced dramatically to facilitate the Revit .NET API ribbon creation work much better. The most noted new features are the Revit Ribbon Definition schema invention and the ribbon creator row/item edition.
Besides those obvious wonderful features we have introduced, there are some bonus features as well. When we click the right mouse button onto any rows of the current Revit Ribbon Definition grid, a context menu will show up:
We will not demonstrate each of them in detail here, but some brief descriptions about them may still be good.
The [Insert New Row] item will insert a default new row just above the current selected row. It is useful to add something different above a specific row.
The [Insert Same Row] will insert a new row with the same control type such as Panel/PushButton or SplitButton/PushButton as the current highlighted one above itself. It is userful to add a similar button/item into a group, for example, and input a name and choose a command reference to make the new control ready to go.
The [Copy Current and Insert] will insert a new row with the same control type such as Panel/PushButton or SplitButton/PushButton and the same properties such as Text, Tooltip and even Image and Command reference as the current highlighted one above itself.
The [Copy Selected Rows] will copy the selected rows (either single or multiple) into a cach so that the [Paste and Insert] can paste them to somewhere else.
The [Cut Selected Rows] will cut the selected rows (either single or multiple) into a cach so that the [Paste and Insert] can paste them to somewhere else. The two commands will behave like Move Selected Rows.
The [Paste and Insert] as mentioned above can paste and insert those copied or cut rows above the currently highlighted row. Please note that if multiple but not continuous rows are copied or cut, the [Paste and Insert] command will put those rows in order and insert them all right above the current row.
The [Delete Selected Rows] will remove the selected rows (either single or multiple) from the Revit Ribbon Defition grid. The [Paste and Insert] will take no effect for such rows.
Please give the Revit Ribbon Creator a try and its easy to use will be clear.
The new Ribbon Creator of RevitAddinWizard makes Revit programmers’ life much easier for both C# lovers and VB.NETers.
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