In this article, let us look at a new widget that Revit Addin Wizard (RevitAddinWizard) provides, Project Renamer. As its name indicates, the widget is to help rename some projects of the current open Visual Studio solution. If necessary, the solution and the chosen projects can be copied to a new location beforehand.
It can be found from the Revit Addin Widget menu group or the toolbar:
When the Project Renamer menu item or tool icon is clicked, the Project Renamer window will show up.
The ‘Apply to the current open solution’ option is chosen by default. It can be changed to ‘Make a solution copy and rename’ if necessary.
The ‘Projects and Folders to rename (copy first if needed)’ list control lists out all projects including C#, VB.NET, C++, Setup and so on as demonstrated and solution folders in the current open solution. The existing Project/Folder name, Namespace and Assembly name are displayed for references. The New Project/Folder, New Namespace and New Assembly columns/fields can be used to specify the new wanted names. They are defaulted to the existing names and can be changed to anything valid.
After the OK button is pressed, the Visual Studio project names, namespaces, and assembly names will be renamed accordingly. Here is what the Solution Explorer looks like before project renaming:
Here is after the project renaming:
If namespaces and assembly names of the projects are checked, we will find they are renamed as expected.
RevitAddinWizard will provide more and more and cooler and cooler widgets in the near future. Please stay tuned.
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